Monday, July 9, 2018

Changing Your Direction

If you want to change the direction you are going, start with a few simple steps:

1. Drop the news!  Stop turning on the TV every morning while you get ready for work or school.  If you have a subscription to a newspaper or news magazine on your iPad, unsubscribe!  Most of the coverage is negative and and unimportant anyway.  Do you know what is important?  Your family and friends.  Talk to them.  It is amazing what you will learn.  If you are THAT hungry for what is going on in the world, as someone at work what their favorite news story of the the day was. 

2. Stop going so fast.  The funny thing about moving fast is, if you are heading in the right direction, you will get there quicker, but if you are heading in the wrong direction, you get there just a fast.  Repeat this quote to yourself often:  Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. 

3. Check your compass.  I don't mean that you have to carry an actual compass everywhere you go, but you do have to stop every once in a while and make sure you are moving towards you ultimate destination.  Make sure your daily habits are helping you move step-by-step towards your goal.  If you notice that they are not, change direction.

Start with these three simple things and let me know how much you have achieved!  I love to see your comments.